
This block is used to identify a subscriber’s gender by his or her voice.

To use this block you can connect it to the output of the ‘IVR’ block that is supposed to have a voice response or to the ‘Recognition’ block. If you do so the system will automatically identify a subscriber’s gender via artificial intelligence technologies at this point of a scenario.

This block has three possible outputs (results of the identification):

‘Male’ (the system identified a male voice)

‘Female’ (the system identified a female voice)

‘?’ (the system could not identify a subscriber’s gender)

100% gender determination is not guaranteed.

The gender can be determined:

  1. By voice;
  2. By full name.

When selecting a definition by FULL name from a variable, its contents are analyzed, including the full name, surname and patronymic or first name. Depending on what it contains, the gender is determined.

Please note that the system analyzes the voice itself, not the semantic content of the response. This allows you to discreetly determine the gender, save it in a variable and use it for further analysis.

To do this, you can place the “Variable” block under the desired output and select a variable with an assigned value in its settings, for example, ‘male’.

Also, this block will allow you to create different branches of the script depending on the gender of the subscriber, if necessary.

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