Zoning (codes, networks, zones)


For correct billing of calls/for shipments between subscribers’ A- and B-numbers, the tariff plan is divided into Zones.

Zones combine phone codes based on geography (landline numbers) or based on the networks of one mobile operator (mobile numbers).

Each telephone code or network of mobile operators in the system is assigned a specific zone. And when the zone is included in the tariff plan, all phone codes included in it will be charged at the cost specified in the tariff.

In the “Zoning” section, you can view and add new zones.

This section contains a list of zones. To add a new zone, click on “+ Add”.

In the window that opens, enter the name of the new zone and a comment (optional). Click “Save”.

A new zone has been created. From now on, the created zone will be available for selection when adding a new code or a new network to the system.

To change or delete an existing zone, click on it in the general list of zones.

Then click on what you want to do “Delete” or “Edit”.


The Codes section contains phone number codes.

To go and add a new code, go to the appropriate section and click “+ Add”.

In the window that opens, enter the New code, Select the zone, Type, and specify the RN (route number for routing the call to the transferred subscriber number). Click “Save”.

Codes can be deleted, but cannot be changed:


The “Networks” section contains a list of networks of telecom operators with the possibility of adding, changing and deleting.

To add a new network, go to the appropriate section

and click “+ Add”.

In the window that opens, fill in the Name of the new network, Select the zone, Mobile Country Code (MCC), Mobile Network Code (MNC) and Network Code. Click “Save”.

To edit or delete a network, click on it in the general list of networks and perform the required operation in the window that opens.

Moving networks and codes

System provides a function for moving codes and networks from one zone to another. The moving means that a different zone will be assigned to the code or network.

To move a network, click on the “Move” button on the page with the list of networks:

In the form of the moving page that opens, select from the first drop-down list “From the zone” the zone from which the networks should be moved. Next, in the “To the zone” drop-down list, select the zone to which the moving will be made. Click “Save”. As a result, all networks from zone A will be moved to zone B.

In order to move codes from one zone to another, click on the “Transfer” button in the “Codes” section:

In the form of the moving page that opens, select from the first drop-down list “From the zone” the zone from which the codes should be moved. Next, specify the code mask. The sequence of the first digits of the codes to be transferred is used as a mask. The more digits are indicated in the mask, the smaller the sample will be. After the mask is installed, click “Apply”. The system will display the total number of codes marked for transfer. Next, in the “To the zone” drop-down list, select the zone to which you want to move the codes.

Click “Save”. The moving has been completed.

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